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Automated offensive language detection is essential in combating the spread of hate speech, particularly in social media. This paper describes our work on Offensive Language Identification in low resource Indic language Marathi. The problem is formulated as a text classification task to identify a tweet as offensive or non-offensive. We evaluate different mono-lingual and multi-lingual BERT models on this classification task, focusing on BERT models pre-trained with social media datasets. We compare the performance of MuRIL, MahaTweetBERT, MahaTweetBERT-Hateful, and MahaBERT on the HASOC 2022 test set. We also explore external data augmentation from other existing Marathi hate speech corpus HASOC 2021 and L3Cube-MahaHate. The MahaTweetBERT, a BERT model, pre-trained on Marathi tweets when fine-tuned on the combined dataset (HASOC 2021 + HASOC 2022 + MahaHate), outperforms all models with an F1 score of 98.43 on the HASOC 2022 test set. With this, we also provide a new state-of-the-art result on HASOC 2022 / MOLD v2 test set.
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Spatial understanding is a fundamental aspect of computer vision and integral for human-level reasoning about images, making it an important component for grounded language understanding. While recent large-scale text-to-image synthesis (T2I) models have shown unprecedented improvements in photorealism, it is unclear whether they have reliable spatial understanding capabilities. We investigate the ability of T2I models to generate correct spatial relationships among objects and present VISOR, an evaluation metric that captures how accurately the spatial relationship described in text is generated in the image. To benchmark existing models, we introduce a large-scale challenge dataset SR2D that contains sentences describing two objects and the spatial relationship between them. We construct and harness an automated evaluation pipeline that employs computer vision to recognize objects and their spatial relationships, and we employ it in a large-scale evaluation of T2I models. Our experiments reveal a surprising finding that, although recent state-of-the-art T2I models exhibit high image quality, they are severely limited in their ability to generate multiple objects or the specified spatial relations such as left/right/above/below. Our analyses demonstrate several biases and artifacts of T2I models such as the difficulty with generating multiple objects, a bias towards generating the first object mentioned, spatially inconsistent outputs for equivalent relationships, and a correlation between object co-occurrence and spatial understanding capabilities. We conduct a human study that shows the alignment between VISOR and human judgment about spatial understanding. We offer the SR2D dataset and the VISOR metric to the community in support of T2I spatial reasoning research.
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Videos often capture objects, their visible properties, their motion, and the interactions between different objects. Objects also have physical properties such as mass, which the imaging pipeline is unable to directly capture. However, these properties can be estimated by utilizing cues from relative object motion and the dynamics introduced by collisions. In this paper, we introduce CRIPP-VQA, a new video question answering dataset for reasoning about the implicit physical properties of objects in a scene. CRIPP-VQA contains videos of objects in motion, annotated with questions that involve counterfactual reasoning about the effect of actions, questions about planning in order to reach a goal, and descriptive questions about visible properties of objects. The CRIPP-VQA test set enables evaluation under several out-of-distribution settings -- videos with objects with masses, coefficients of friction, and initial velocities that are not observed in the training distribution. Our experiments reveal a surprising and significant performance gap in terms of answering questions about implicit properties (the focus of this paper) and explicit properties of objects (the focus of prior work).
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Pre-training large neural language models, such as BERT, has led to impressive gains on many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Although this method has proven to be effective for many domains, it might not always provide desirable benefits. In this paper, we study the effects of hateful pre-training on low-resource hate speech classification tasks. While previous studies on the English language have emphasized its importance, we aim to augment their observations with some non-obvious insights. We evaluate different variations of tweet-based BERT models pre-trained on hateful, non-hateful, and mixed subsets of a 40M tweet dataset. This evaluation is carried out for the Indian languages Hindi and Marathi. This paper is empirical evidence that hateful pre-training is not the best pre-training option for hate speech detection. We show that pre-training on non-hateful text from the target domain provides similar or better results. Further, we introduce HindTweetBERT and MahaTweetBERT, the first publicly available BERT models pre-trained on Hindi and Marathi tweets, respectively. We show that they provide state-of-the-art performance on hate speech classification tasks. We also release hateful BERT for the two languages and a gold hate speech evaluation benchmark HateEval-Hi and HateEval-Mr consisting of manually labeled 2000 tweets each. The models and data are available at https://github.com/l3cube-pune/MarathiNLP .
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为了在单一源领域的概括中取得成功,最大化合成域的多样性已成为最有效的策略之一。最近的许多成功都来自预先指定模型在培训期间暴露于多样性类型的方法,因此它最终可以很好地概括为新领域。但是,基于na \“基于多样性的增强也不能因为它们无法对大型域移动建模,或者因为预先指定的变换的跨度不能涵盖域概括中通常发生的转移类型。解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,该框架使用神经网络使用对抗学习的转换(ALT)来建模可欺骗分类器的合理但硬的图像转换。该网络是为每个批次的随机初始初始初始初始初始初始化的,并培训了固定数量的步骤。为了最大化分类错误。此外,我们在分类器对干净和转化的图像的预测之间实现一致性。通过广泛的经验分析,我们发现这种对抗性转换的新形式同时实现了多样性和硬度的目标,并超越了所有现有技术,以实现竞争性的所有技术单源域概括的基准。我们还显示了T HAT ALT可以自然地与现有的多样性模块合作,从而产生高度独特的源域,导致最先进的性能。
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